Welfare Rights including Tribunal Representation
North Lanarkshire Tribunal Unit
We are one of 5 bureaux within the unit that provides support for Benefit Mandatory Reconsideration and Appeals including a full income maximisation service and representation at Social Security Tribunals. Why not phone 01236 421447 and ask for an appointment with Carol?
Welfare Rights Service within the Bureau and outreach
The Welfare Rights Service takes the advice into the outlying communities, ensuring that those most vulnerable people in our society have access to the information and advice they require. The service provides advice and information on a range of subjects.
- Benefits, which includes sickness, disability, unemployment, retirement, council tax, housing, child benefits and pension credits.
- Benefit Tribunal Representation Service for Clients
- Assistance for clients referred from North Lanarkshire McMillan Cancer Care Services
- Consumer, which includes goods & services, credit & finance, and consumer debts.
- Employment, which includes discrimination, dismissal, redundancy, employment debts and self employed issues.
- Housing, which includes mortgage/rent arrears, homelessness, housing conditions and neighbour issues.
- We also give advice and information on Legal, Relationship, Taxes, Utilities, Education, Health and other issues.
In addition to this, clients can also access other specialist services within the bureau, Debt Advice, Housing Advice, Patients Advisory Support Service, Money Advice Service and Pension Wise
The service is delivered by well trained and qualified staff/advisers. Clients can access information and advice on any one or several subjects. The service is Free, Confidential, Impartial and Independent.